
G had a great time.  His CI worked.  The other two boy in his troop were in a group together.  G was in a group with 5ish completely new kids.   He finished his blowgun first and decorated it orange and blue.  He won a chocolate easter bunny for singing a song.  He sang the Wacky-acky-acky song he learned a few years ago at cub scout camp.

G is deaf.  His life certainly has some challenges.  I'm so grateful that he can take on hard situations and have a great time.   He is unabashed and enjoys volunteering.  Scouting is a great activity for him to deal with communication and relationship situations that don't just depend on intelligence or athletic skill. 

I was initially dismayed that the two boys in his troop weren't with him but were with each other.  But G did fine.  He didn't have anyone who knows him in past settings to set expectations on his communication, or speak for him.  G can speak for himself, thank you very much!


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