homeschool rebel

G really wishes he was back at FSDB and does not like my activities of cursive, vocabulary book, an other activities to keep him learning.  I love him though and told him that I would not send him to camp or a trip without the right supplies.  And I don't want to send him into life without working on skills that will distract from his intelligence.  Just like if someone had bad breath and didn't know it so they don't fix it, people will not hire them. 

In schools, teachers spend so much time lifting students up and praising their abilities.  I appreciate that.  So who is going to tell the student that their going to be impacted if they don't bring up a skill like handwriting and articulation?  It takes a little more love for the student to point out these "trivial" things that actually will have a huge impact on the impression they make in the professional world. 

G is really brilliant.  He is willing to do hard tasks like mow the lawn, and riding a bike to Gtown!  He doesn't like criticism, none of us do, and working on these tasks is annoying to him.  He can do better though, so I'm going to push him to.


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